Powerful AM Simulation
AdditiveLab RESEARCH DED enables engineers to perform AM process simulations on technologies that produce via Direct Metal Deposition process by wire or powder feed (DMD, DED, WAAM and LMD). The AdditiveLab RESEARCH DED software for 3D printing simulation helps to cut back the trial-and-error tests by providing simulation technology that can predict potential manufacturing outcomes of DED processes.
It is developed by engineers and scientists with extensive experience in simulation and additive manufacturing. It is rigorously validated, extensively documented and scalable to run very fast on multi-core computers.

AM machine printing a part via the DED process.
(Ref BeAM machines).
Predict Metal AM deformations.
During the DED process, molten material is being deposited on specified surface where it solidifies, fusing materials together to form new parts or repair existing components. The high cooling rates of molten material, combined with the layer-by-layer nature of DED, subject the material to remelting and thermal cycling, potentially causing phase transformations and the development of residual stresses.
These residual stresses cause localized and global distortions, leading to deformed designs and even to rupture and delaminations.
AdditiveLab’s powerful mechanical analysis utilizes a state-of-the-art multi-scale simulation approach to predict residual stresses and distortions in a layer-by-layer fashion. This empowers the users to identify and address problematic regions which compromise the manufacturing process and the end-quality of the manufactured part.​
Simulation of Thermal Histories.
The deposition of molten material layer during the DED process elevates localized temperatures in the part. AdditiveLab’s multi-volume thermal analysis simulates thermal histories enabling the users to locate and adjust regions that suffer from overheating.